Act in Faith - Act in Faith is in need of food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies. Items can be placed in on the table in the lounge area of the Gathering Area. Thank you! The ministry is growing. They need more volunteers to meet the needs of our community. Contact Hallie Romanowski at actinfaithgwc.org.
Live flowers for the Lord’s Table: The cost for each arrangement is $40. Orders must be placed at least 2 weeks ahead. To place flowers in memory of or in honor of the loved one please call the church office (610-696-5190) or email Sue (shaughumcwc@gmail.com). Send your payment to the church office with a notation that it is for flowers. (You will not receive a bill.)
The Pastor Jo Higgins Children’s Library is open. It’s located on the lower level by the elevator. There are books for 1 year olds through teenagers. New books are being added regularly. COME AND ENJOY!!
Ushers and greeters are needed for both worship services. For info write “usher” in the Friendship Folder or contact Tony Piccone (apic13@outlook.com).
Communion Servers Needed - No special skills required. We celebrate communion on the 1st Sunday of each month. If interested in being part of this ministry, contact Nancy Holland at hollandnancy31@gmail.com. We also need people to clean up communion after the 11 am worship service. Let Nancy know if you can help with this.
Children and Youth in Grades 3-12 are needed to light and extinguish the candles at the 8:45 service. Email Carin at crawfordcarin@gmail.com for more information.
Pop Tab Recycling Program Keep saving them. The tabs convert to $$ that provide short-term housing assistance to families of AI DuPont patients and allows them to be close to and support their loved ones during their hospital stays.
We are still collecting unused hotel toiletries for our church’s Clean Sweep Program. Items go to Ronald McDonald House, Safe Harbor, and Salvation Army. Place items in the basket by the elevator in the Gathering Area.
Blessing box - As the weather gets colder, don’t forget to help us keep our Blessing Box supplied. This is a way for us to directly provide relief for individuals and families in economic crisis. Let’s supply our blessing box with items like this: canned food with ring-pulls (our homeless neighbors don’t have can openers), hand warmers, crackers, peanut butter, small packets of tissues, bottled water, non-perishable foods. Be a blessing to those in need.